Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pringles: "Once you pop, the fun just don't stop."

Image result for pringles logo

When asked about your childhood, would one of the following items be in your list?

  • Santa Clause/Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny 
  • Nap time
  • Snack time/recess 
  • Playing sports
  • Play dates
  • Disney Movies 
If so, your childhood was less than mediocre. Often, individuals skip over the most important aspects of their childhoods- the snacks. My childhood consisted of: Cheetos, ice-cream sandwiches, popcorn, candy bars, and most importantly, Pringles. 

All over the world, people unite over language, religion, and ethnicity to celebrate the joy of a single potato chip called the Pringle. In the busy hustle of adult life, many grown-ups are forgetting to stop and enjoy the tiny aspects of life. Why were we sent to live life if all we did was work and stress about work? The celebratory Pringle allows us to stop stressing about nonsensical things and kick back our legs. The salty crunch of the potato chip brings us back to reminiscence about our childhood experiences, like when we used to stick two chips in our mouths and pretend to be ducks.

Although as stated earlier, Pringles are a potato chip, these delicious chips are actually made from a mixture of corn and potato. Their ingenious design allows for each chip to be stacked upon each other and tightly packed in a can- truly the snack food of the future. Creative snack food scientists have created a magnificent spectrum of flavors, ranging from the common Sour Onion to Blueberry Hazelnut!

I have made it one of my life long goals to try at least 50 new flavors before I die. This also gives me an incentive to travel around the world,where they have unique flavors in different countries. You should try to challenge yourself, too!

Here is a list of different Pringle flavors in other countries; which one is the weirdest? 

  • Blueberry Hazelnut: Thailand
  • Soft-shell Crab: Singapore
  • Keema Curry: Japan
  • Steak and Onion Pie: U.K.
  • Hong Kong Fish Ball: China
  • Paprika: Portugual 
  • Onion Crouton Soup: Japan
  • Ketchup: Unknown; possibly USA?
  • White Chocolate Peppermint: Unknown 
  • Tortilla Nacho Cheese: Mexico 


Monday, November 3, 2014

Band is NOT a sport.

First of all: Band. Is. Not. The. Same. As. Marching. Band.

Everyday, the Mira Mesa marching band marches outside in the stadium's freezing morning chill, and has individual practice three to four days a week after school for each instrumental section. On average, the band program logs 20 hours of practice and competition each week. But, non-band students always question, is band even a sport

In middle school, I would have assuredly said no- "Of course it isn't, all they do is walk and play songs!" However, after going through Mira Mesa's own program, the Sapphire Sound, much of my viewpoint on marching band has changed. By definition, it technically is a sport- "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another for entertainment". As a multi-sport athlete, I say, band is a sport. It's like playing soccer, but only using the toes of your feet to touch the ball, and only being able to move around without bending your knees- yet making the movement look fluid. But don't forget to bend your knees, you could pass out. Wait, what?

Still, majority of people asked will say, "all they do is walk?". Here's to why band is a sport: 

For one, band definitely takes up a hell of a lot of time. Yesterday, all band students went to Mira Mesa High at 5:30 AM, and stayed till 12:30 AM (yes, that's the next day) to hold our annual Mira Mesa Invitational Field Tournament, hosting over 30 high schools that came throughout the day. Not to mention Thursday night rehearsals from 5-9 PM, which leaves everyone scrambling to finish homework. This is the same as 2 AP classes, for me.

The work that actually goes to running a 10 minute show is astounding. This year, the Sapphire Sound's show, Beyond Perimeters, requires the band kids to memorize 80-something "dots", or places on the turf field. And we play music. Hard music. All memorized.

Again, "all they do is walk?" comes into play. We don't walk, we march. We point our toes while marching, clench our core muscles, open up the space between our chest and hips. We lean forward at a 60-40 degree, and breathe with "po" breaths. We, too, get calf cramps and sore feet. Sure, we may not do sprints and agility work, but I assure you, the amount of dedication going into our music and form is at the same of high level athletes. We train and train and train, just like you.

And while your sports team will always have rivalries, someone talking bad about another, we'll say, "good luck with that, bro". We are a family of over 150 people, and are still more united than yours. We go into competitions hours away, and come out strong. We are the Sapphire Sound.